MONDAYS: $40. UNLIMITED May 13- Sept 16th. Golf All Day. No Unlimited May 27th or Sept. 2nd (July 1st limited to 2 rounds) Stay & play all day, beverages and food available in the clubhouse. All carts must be in by 8:30pm…. Course closes 9pm
TUESDAYS: CHIX WITH STIX Ladies Social League. $20 9 Holes w/Cart. Ladies Tee off between 1-3pm. Weekly Events. Very Relaxed & Fun afternoon!
WEDNESDAY: MEN’S DAY: $20.00 9 holes w/cart. IF enough interest we will do a 2-person scramble. (min of 12 golfers) Weekly Events Tee times start at 10:00 - 12pm
THURSDAY: Drinking & Driving Get 2 range tokens and a 6 pack domestic beer $20
SR. RATES: $35.00/18 holes w/Cart ($25. 9 holes) Mon-Thursday
All First Responders & EMT receive a free beverage of choice.